Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Hmm, How about some Rock Star Nail Art?

Hello friends!  How are you today?  I want to thank you for visiting my blog and continuing your support through my blogging-hiatus.  "Thanks!" and here's a big hug...

Winter has definitely arrived where I live {Atlantic Canada}.  We had tons of snow fall over the weekend and the snow is falling beautifully again as we speak (I mean as I type these words, lol ;-)  It's definitely cold outside... but short walks are very refreshing and fun; well, during such walks that different textures and views in nature can be admired.  I tried my best to capture some in the photos below with my rock star nail art.

Monday, December 14, 2015

A Red Mani with Flowers, Why Not?

Good morning to the girls and ladies!!!
I hope you are all doing well.  Today, I'd like to share with you my "Welcome Back to Nail Art" nails.  I've been on nailart (and blogging) hiatus for a while.  Life, that's what it was, lol!  Hubby gave me these flowers and I feel in love.  I thought: "Red!  why not some red nails?"  And here it is, with matching doticure flowers and leaves to make them even more cheerful!  Do you like them?

Click Read more for more photos...

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Beauty After The Winter Storm

Yesterday, I decided I need some exercise so I walked to work.  For less than an hour walk plus a great view, exercise ain't so bad, right?  I just had to make sure I had the right gear:  boots, gloves, hat and hood, long coat... Nothing is sad when one is warm.

More photos here, please keep reading...